What they are saying about us
CSR is our software partner. As we transition to enhance our business reach to all over Pakistan, CSR's services and leading edge sofwtares will be vital to us.

Irfan Ali Rashidi
C.E.O & Levant Express
Our Strength
Almost every organisation on this planet now relies heavily on information systems. The unique set of their IT needs driven by the nature of its business and its objectives. CSR's services are driven by this uniqueness.
Our business strategy is founded on getting to know its clients very well. Operating across business and technical domains, we have a natural ability to quickly understand the nature of each organisation. We earn our customers' trust be demonstrating this understanding, which leads to the building of long lasting partnerships.
Most of our work comes from our long list of established clients who have come to appreciate the significant contribution we can make to their businesses. They call us again and again - often placing us on the critical path of their major projects.
We work in a broad range of market sectors where the system requirements are highly complex and business success depends on reliable software. This breadth of experience gives us a unique perspective, providing a fresh view on business problems and their solution. The range and variety of our development projects is exceptionally broad. Whether you need a complete web-based enterprise application, a single software application or simply want to understand how software technologies can make your business more effective, we will deliver our best.
Shipping Lines
While working for Shipping Companies for a good number of years, CSR has also developed a consolidate reputation with the Shipping lines having their operational hub in Pakistan. The platform for this solution can't be other than Web because it requires to connect not only the Head Office of Shipping Line but also their agents working anywhere around the globe.
We have experience of a wide range of application areas including:
Customer Services management
E-Commerce / Internet / Intranet
Data warehousing / Management Information systems
Workflow, imaging and document management
Enterprise Applications
Our technical expertise has enabled us to develop a solution that can work in seperate geographic locations to serve the bigger goal. The Web Solution deployed at Asian Container Lines is a recent proof of that statement. The Head Office at Karachi and their agents in Gulf are working seamlessly in the installed Web application.
Sector specialities
Asset Management
CSR has developed a number of asset management systems for defence and government organisations. As well as the more obvious tracking of physical entities, we have also implemented more specialised systems to control the distribution of electronic payloads such as cryptographic key material.
In addition, our systems have been used to follow and direct the movement of people as part of field force management suites.
Data Intelligence
CSR has an enviable track record of assisting military and civil organisations in managing their large and complex data sources more efficiently. Our work has enabled those organisations to extract consistent, up-to-date, high-value information from their raw data, in the form of fused or integrated 'single views of the world'. The complexity and sophistication of today's integrated mission systems and platforms, operating within an environment of Network Enabled Capability (NEC), means that they are both highly data-rich and extremely information-hungry. The performance of these systems and platforms, and that of the personnel using them, is critically dependent upon the quality of the information with which they are fed. Our experience of data modelling, integration, de-confliction, warehousing and distribution will allow you to obtain the most value and benefit from your information assets, providing you with Actionable Intelligence.
Geographic Information Solutions
CSR routinely incorporates Geographic Information Systems (GIS) into projects for the capture, management, analysis and display of geographic information and spatial data. We have applied our expertise in fields as diverse as road network management, police statistics and intelligence products as well as rotorcraft mission planning and analysis tools. In support of this work, CSR has developed a lightweight, open source product called IP Map that allows our clients to rapidly deploy low cost GIS solutions.
High-Integrity Embedded Development
One of CSR's core competencies is the development of high-integrity systems for embedded environments. Such systems require rigorous engineering processes to ensure that they behave as expected, first time, every time. CSR's quality assurance process ensures that such systems are fit-for-purpose and has been used successfully for the development of systems for in-flight refuelling, mission planning, covert radios, medical instruments, air traffic control and active traffic management as well as many others.
Homeland Security
CSR works across a wide range of sectors including Defence, Emergency Services, Government and Telecoms. As such, we are in a unique position to bring together innovative technologies and ideas to counter the increasing threat of terrorist activity, especially where the traditional roles of the military, police and security forces have become blurred. From enriching intelligence information with Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) data to analysing complex communications protocols, CSR can help you extract more valuable information from the vast volumes of data that is currently being stored and, often, ignored.
Mission Planning
CSR's mission planning systems have been demonstrated to improve operational efficiency and hence increase military effectiveness. This not only derives better value from the platforms and their crews but also improves their safety and survivability and that of the service personnel depending on their support.
PDS Support
CSR has provided a number of clients with ongoing support for complex software systems. Such engagements can vary from a simple revision-controlled bug fixing service to a fully managed maintenance facility offering 24/7 support and Service Level Agreements to ensure timely resolution of issues.
Systems Engineering & Integration
CSR has, for 30 years, been developing bespoke software for integration into complex systems. During this time, the increasing availability and configurability of COTS products has led to a change in the way that many systems are designed and built. CSR has kept pace with this changing world and now has considerable experience in systems engineering and the through-life management challenges that are associated with a mix of hardware, COTS and bespoke software.
CSR has considerable experience in the testing arena. We develop, support and promote world-class software verification products which have been used in many high-integrity projects ranging from medical, ATC, avionics, automotive, space, defence and nuclear energy systems. Coupled to this is a software testing service based on CSR's stringent quality assurance process that has been successfully audited against a number of guidelines and standards, including DO-178B (Level A). This service addresses all levels of testing, from unit through to system, and we can assist throughout the lifecycle to design and develop a test suite that fully meets your domain requirements.
Shipping Agents
In recent years CSR has established a growing reputation and strong presence in the Shipping Companies sector providing both consultancy and implementation services to organisations such as Cosco Saeed Karachi (Pvt) Ltd, Yaaseen Shipping Lines, Greenpak Shipping (Pvt) Ltd, Eastern Group of Companies and many of other Shipping Companies.
We have experience of a wide range of application areas including:
Customer Services management
E-Commerce / Internet / Intranet
Data warehousing / Management Information systems
Workflow, imaging and document management
Call Centres
Enterprise Applications
CSR's recent IT developments and consultancy assignments for Shipping Companies have been awarded based on CSR's proven technical excellence, innovation and ability to deliver quality solutions on time and within budget and include the following:
Core shipping applications for a number of major multi-national shipping companies
Web-enabled customer tracking system for a broad-based Shipping Company
Implementation of a new IT Strategy using component based systems for a Shipping Services Organisation
Back office systems employing Intranet/Internet and web browser technology for a Shipping Agent
Data feed applications for a container leasing services organisation
Workflow and document management systems for a range of shipping organisations
Clearing Agents
CSR has been a major force providing software services to Clearing Agents since the early 1990s. The main objective for the involvement of software specialists, such as CSR, has been the introduction of computerization in Karachi Custom House, which has required the rapid evolution of whole new software and hardware techniques. The sector has been characterised by two usually contradictory factors: the constant evolution of formats and the need for high reliability, which is essential for services sector applications. CSR has been at the forefront of a number of Clearing Agents Developments which needed great flexibility to handle substantial changes without compromising quality.
A simple yet detailed dashboard gives the management overall picture of the business along with key stat.
The business of Clearing Agent has evolved considerably in last 10 years and with it the need of a reliable software that evolves with changing requirements. Online applications with dash-board style management console has just become a norm of the industry.
CSR has helped various significant Clearing Agents produce new dimension in their services by implementing our software applications. Apart from providing avenue to perform regular jobs, it also enables the company to stop the in-efficiency in operation and also keep tap on the free-flow of funds.
Being an ERP, finance is also an integral part of this solution. Every business entry is automatically glued to their financial contra.
One particularly explosive growth area has been that of Export Clearing Agent software. The prime requirement here has been to produce software that can produce furnished documents for Customs Documentation. In addition to being a fast-moving field, there has also been the need to ensure that the products are reliably marketable. CSR has been a major force in the production of Clearing soft wares since 1995, starting with Fair Business, but also serving other clients such as Ryan Agencies, and many others. This work has involved CSR in the specification, design, production and test of hundreds of thousands of lines of reliably engineered software. The latest advancement such as maintenance of Rebate Claims dynamically connected to the running software. The new technologies such as interactive services and web access have all been supported by software written by CSR.
Afghan Transit
The development in Afghanistan and Pakistan being the route of Afghanistan to waters, has initiated a long list of companies that are specifically engaged in helping the Afghan importers. Their requirements and their scope both are quite different as compared to local clearing agents. CSR has formulated the plan to strengthen this sector with the power of IT, and with the help of some clearing agents handling specifically Afghan Cargo, we have designed a solution that encompases their local needs as well as their requirements across the border. This solution covers all aspects of their operation from Document opening to delivery of containers to Afghanistan and then return back.
Freight Forwarders
When the smartest Freight Forwarders need software and systems consultancy for their business , they turn to CSR. Many of the Karachi's best Freight Forwarding services are made possible by our software.
Our depth of experience in Frieght Forwarding means that we understand our clients' technical and commercial problems, and so we are able to supply software which is not only technically correct, reliable and cost effective, but which meets our clients' real business needs.
Our quality consultancy makes us a reliable choice for business-critical software systems, while our practical approach and adaptability enable us to provide solutions matching the most demanding time scale.
Customer Facing Systems
Freight Forwarders are constantly striving to provide an ever better service for their customers. Our IT expertise and pragmatic approach make us ideally qualified to provide the sophisticated software solutions required for this, and in a short timeframe. This has led us into a wide range of business support systems work, with particular focus in the hot areas of customer care and revenue management.We also help Freight Forwarders with business process analysis, quality engineering and general project and programme management services.
Terminal Operators
With the increase of import in Pakistan, a new wave of companies entered in the business of Terminal Operation. CSR has worked with some of these companies and our services are of great value for the organizations such as United Oriental Shipping & Logistics, Sattar Kumbhar Container Terminal, and many of other Terminal Operators.
We have experience of a wide range of application areas including:
Web based solution - easy to access from any browser and virtually any device
Services management for Terminals and integration with their head offices
Integrated email service to send CODECO automatically to concerned shipping lines
Embedded solution to send and receive UNEDIFACT messages for e.g. IFTMBC message via email or FTP, and transform them into in-house data
Data warehousing / Management Information systems
Workflow and document management
CSR's proven technical excellence has made our software a must for these companies. We deliver on time, within budget and for every type of platform. For us, the interoperability is the key to success.
Having information in the right way at the right time is the key to success. We, at CSR, work hard to transform the information assets of our clients into the reports that can initiate the decisions. After all, right decision at the right time is the ultimate key to success.
Financial Institutions
We have provided software solutions to various financial instituions including:
Bank Muccadums
Valuators & Inspectors
SECP related services
International Business Reports
Address Verification
Income Estimation
The solution we have devloped is modular, so you can have one or more modules as per your business demands. Our solution can facilitate you to manage operations of all the services along with their receivable and accounts.
So with this solution in place, there is no redundant data entry nor the useful man hours spent in just preparing the documents.
In last 3-4 years, a new wave of transport and logistics companies have appeared in Pakistan's business landscape. Although, it appeared a bit mushroomy initially, but now some of these companies are gaining ground.
The solution, we have for transport and logistics companies, contains:
Web based solution - accessible from any where
B2B connection with Transporters as well as Customers
Integrated connectivity with other stake holders
Workflow and Document management
In the fast-paced logistics industry; keeping the correct data on your finger tips is the goal to success. This software is our attempt to make your data more familiar to you so you can extract more meaning from it and move forward with your decisions.